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Pentecostal World Fellowship

News & Updates


March 11, 2022

Pentecostal movements around the world are uniting in prayer  because of the war in Ukraine. The  heart of God and our hearts are deeply grieved by the needless suffering of  innocent people that is taking  place due to this conflict. We pray and call for those who have initiated this violence to stand down and seek a  peaceful resolution. Psalms 34: 14 says: “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” And, Jesus taught  us in Mathew 5:9 that “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children  of God.”

We are extremely grateful for the many denominations,  churches, relief organizations and individual  believers who are sacrificing to care for the over 2 million refugees  entering other nations.  Pentecostal churches and ministries are on the front line across Europe in communicating the love of Christ in  practical ways to the hurting and displaced. In unity, the Pentecostal  World Fellowship’s Global Pentecostal Relief and Development Partners are collaborating to support those affected.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are  enduring incredible pain and loss because  of the war. We pray also for our  brothers and sisters in Russia who are ministering in increasingly difficult circumstances. Religious persecution  continues to increase in both nations.  May God protect, strengthen and comfort them is our prayer. May God also use  this moment to open many hearts to  the gospel and grant supernatural boldness to declare God’s Word in the midst of danger.

 We anticipate the day when war will be no more and the  kingdoms of this world will become the  kingdoms of our Christ and the promise of Micah 4:3 will be realized: “He  will establish justice in the  rabble of nations and settle disputes in faraway places. They will trade in  their swords for shovels, their  spears for rakes and hoes. Nations will quit fighting each other, quit learning how to kill one another.”

About the Pentecostal World Fellowship

The Pentecostal World Fellowship was founded in 1947 and has held triennial conferences in major cities around the world since that time. The most recent Pentecostal World Conference was held in 2019 in Calgary, Canada. The 26th PWC scheduled for October12-14, 2022 will be the 3rd conference to be held in Seoul,Korea. For more information about the Pentecostal WorldFellowship, follow this link:

For information on how you can join with us in these relief efforts, follow this link:

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