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Pentecostal World Fellowship

Education Commission

The World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education (WAPTE)

The Education Commission was formed when the PWF leadership recognized the need for strong Pentecostal theology to steer and shape the future generation of Spirit-filled leaders. The World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education (WAPTE) was appointed as the Educational Commission. WAPTE is a global cooperative fellowship of Pentecostal theological associations, institutions and educators that focuses on promoting the development of theological education and leadership training.  Dr. Paul Alexander who is the chair of both WAPTE and the PWF Education Commission organizes theological consultations for the PWF’s triennial conferences.  At the consultations theologians and researchers discuss issues of importance to global Pentecostalism hence, framing concrete distinctives for Pentecostal doctrines and beliefs.

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Members of the Education Commission

  • Chairperson: Dr. Paul Alexander (USA)
  • Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Ulrik Josefsson (Europe)
  • Secretary: Dr. Alex Fuentes (Philippines)
  • Treasurer: Dr. Weldyn Houger (USA)
  • Executive Committee Member: Dr. Stephen Fogarty (Australia)
  • Executive Director: Dr. Barry Saylor (USA)
  • Dr. Paul Alexander (North America)
  • Dr. Miguel Alvarez (Latin America)
  • Dr. William K Chelliah (Eurasia)
  • Dr. Jacob Cherian (Eurasia)
  • Dr. Jon Dahlager (Latin America/Caribbean)
  • Dr. John Davidson (North America)
  • Dr. John Easter (Africa)
  • Dr. Steve Fogarty (Asia-Pacific)
  • Dr. Alex Fuentes (Asia-Pacific)
  • Dr. Carl Gibbs (Africa)
  • Dr. Weldyn Houger (North America)
  • Dr. Ulrik Josefsson (Europe)
  • Dr. Kirk Kauffeldt (North America)
  • Dr. Douglas Lowenberg (Africa)
  • Dr. Wonsuk Ma (North America)
  • Rev. Gary Matsdorf (North America)
  • Rev. Pasi Parkkila (Europe)
  • Dr. David Ramirez (North America)
  • Dr. Barry Saylor (North America)
  • Dr. Gary Seevers (North America)